
Exquisite Indian Food

Jambavan India Pale Ale was carefully crafted to complement the spices and aromas of the foods.

Jambavan: the heart of home-cooked food! Combining ancient and modern Indian influences to create authentic, home-cooked dishes.

Where the Indian King of the Bears from the Ramayana scriptures meets Warwickshire’s Bear and Staff. Where the flavours of India meet the freshest locally sourced produce. Please come inside and see for yourself. There are very few places in the world that bring together as many sensory tastes, colours and aromas in their cuisines as India. And even within that one country, you can find an amazing array of different flavours and styles. At Jambavan, we take our inspiration from Kerala, Bangladesh and Goa, combining ancient and modern influences to create our authentic home-cooked dishes. Kerala is known as the ‘Land of the Spices’ and it brings with it rich, deeply spice food, combined with coconut and tamarind. In Bengali cuisine, freshwater fish and seafood take centre-stage and we’re constantly inspired by its wonderfully aromatic and spicy dishes. And from Goa, we draw on the tropical sweet and sour flavours that bring together Hindu, Muslim and Portuguese influences. It’s a journey of flavours and sensations and we would love you to come and explore our menu with us; some dishes will be familiar to you, others perhaps less so. But trust us – whatever you choose, we think you’ll be delightfully surprised.

  • Children Welcome
  • Wheelchair Access
  • Vegetarian Options
  • Gluten Free Options
  • Reservations


Bookings are available online via the website: http://www.jambavan.co.uk/food/
